Solutions suitable for every businesses, from the corporate level to the individual property.
Hotels, Chains, Apartments, B&Bs, Campsites
Museums, Attractions and Cultural Heritage
Restaurants, Bars, Cafes and Venues
In-Destination Experiences, Tours and Attractions
Vacation and Rental Properties and Agencies
Destinations, DMOs, DMCs
Airlines and Cruise Lines
Our technology and products support and inspire businesses of all sizes and industries.
Reputation, Prices, Competitors of your business - at a glance!
An on-the-go mobile app to boost your business in real time
A Chat-bot that connects and engages you directly with customers
Create and share personalized reports about any aspect of your business
Data from the holistic view to the smallest detail
A highly-optimised sales page to drive direct bookings
Take advantage of our Resources to stay updated about industry trends, learn from fellow business managers and discover the latest tricks and tips to boost your business.
Articles, interviews and insights to stay up to date
Vertical analyses integrated with Travel Appeal data
Guides and tips to improve your business performance
Beautiful to look at, fascinating to read
Free, online courses designed to take your business to the next level
Stories of customers who have fully achieved their goals
Track competitors, respond to reviews and analyze every aspect of your business - at a glance!
Let data drive your business. And your mind.
Travel Appeal reads all reviews, social networks and Internet content to find relevant information about your business and brand. Leverage actionable insights and suggestions about how to make your customers happier and achieve excellence. Be invisible, but listen to what your customers really have to say.
No business is an island! The new Your Destination widget provides you with a complete overview of your destination, updated in real time with a 6-month history.
Weather, sentiment scores, type and origin of travellers and upcoming events, are just some of the information available on the Dashboard.
Understand how external factors in your destination impact your business. Leverage this indispensable tool to efficiently manage your rates, offers, marketing and distribution every single day!
Track everything that’s being posted about your property, brand and destination on social media, online forums and discussion groups and the entire internet - in real time! Brand Monitoring analyzes social networks 24 hours a day, so you can understand the presence of your brand or destination, at a glance. Select the hashtags, keywords and mentions that you want to monitor and activate the geo-location function to discover the latest content posted near you. Uncover which influencers have discussed your business or destination to boost your reputation. Web listening designed for you!
Find out how external factors impact your business. Events, weather, traffic and more - at a glance! Do nearby concerts draw more visitors to your hotel? Set your prices and offers accordingly based on the market. You might not be able to control the weather, but you can control how your business reacts! With Travel Appeal Smart Insights, implement solutions to improve your strategies.
Our customized dashboards provide granular insights about any business for managers to make informed decisions and investments. From revenues to reputation, find all the details you need about the locations you’re interested in. Using cutting-edge algorithms, we forecast future visitors, updated in real time. Accurately predict how many visitors you’ll welcome and where they’re coming from.
Stefania Zanuso
Head of Sales and Marketing - CP Hotels Verona